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  • English Vocabulary In Use Pre-Intermediate and Itermediate 4e book with answer

    English Vocabulary In Use Pre-Intermediate and Itermediate 4e book with answer

    The words you need to communicate with confidence. 
    Vocabulary explanations and practice for pre-intermediate and intermediate level (B1) learners of English. Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities. Quickly expand your vocabulary with 100 units of easy to understand explanations and practice exercises. Be confident about what you are learning, thanks to Cambridge research into how English is really spoken and written, and get better at studying by yourself, with units on learning vocabulary, personalised practice and an easy to use answer key.

    Voir English Vocabulary In Use Pre-Intermediate and Itermediate 4e book with answer
    47,65 € TTC
    ( expédié sous 24h)
  • English Vocabulary in Use Advanced Third edition

    English Vocabulary in Use Advanced Third edition

    The words you need to communicate with confidence. 
    Vocabulary explanations and practice for advanced level (C1 to C2) learners of English. Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities. Quickly expand your vocabulary with over 100 units of easy to understand explanations and practice exercises. Be confident about what you are learning, thanks to Cambridge research into how English is really spoken and written, and remember words more effectively with lots of opportunities for personalised practice.

    Voir English Vocabulary in Use Advanced Third edition
    47,15 € TTC
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